Reiki for Stress Relief

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Companies that offer relief from medical ailments and stress do a brisk business in any country. Yet, the same people will come back multiple times in the hopes of getting help because they didn’t get the relief they sought. Finally fed up with what isn’t working, many of these people turn to Reiki.

Reiki is a practice that’s been used for centuries in Japan. Those who’ve participated with this practice have seen healing physical results through this energy.

It’s a technique that’s also widely known to benefit those seeking relief from stress. The reason that this technique works is because it takes a holistic, self-help look at healing.

Every person on the planet holds the power within himself to be healed. But the problem is that you can’t deal with or fix health issues unless you know how. It’s the same thing with stress.

You can’t fix it if you don’t have the knowledge that you need to understand how self-healing can be used. You can try to learn on your own or you can get help from a program like Pure Reiki Healing Master.

It’s always better when you’re delving into an area like self-healing that you get some form of guidance. That way, you won’t waste time having to learn from your mistakes.

Why Choose Reiki to Relieve Stress?

The technique can be used for a host of many different ailments that affect you physically and you might have noticed that you haven’t been feeling well lately. But there’s a good reason for this.

At the root cause of so many different medical problems lies stress. Stress is not good for anyone. If you experience some short-term stress, that’s not nearly as bad as chronic stress. Over time, chronic stress can even shorten your lifespan.

Medical data has proven that many people struggle with stress and feel the aches from it. This is why when you’re at the doctor’s office and you’re talking about an ache or something else, he almost always asks, “Are you stressed?”

That’s because those in the medical field understands the destructive power of stress and how it can relate to causing physical manifestations. When it comes to finding help with stress, you’ll notice that there are so many options to choose from.

Reiki is one of the better stress relief techniques that you can learn to use. The reason that it’s one of the best is because it doesn’t rely on any pills or lotions or any kind of therapy sessions that keep you coming back time after time.

Not that those are necessarily bad, but if they worked, you wouldn’t be stressed. You’d know how to deal with it so that you’d have relief. You know how some programs for stress relief want you to commit to a certain appointment time or commit to it taking months to find healing?

One of the best things too about learning Reiki is that it doesn’t take months to learn how to master the technique. So you get relief from stress fast. There have been some people who learn it in as little as twenty-four hours.

Others learn it in a couple of days. If you live a fairly busy life, you should still be able to pick up the steps in the technique within a few days at the most.

How Reiki Relieves Stress

So what can Reiki offer you that other methods can’t? What Reiki does is it channels the energy from your universal life force and makes it work for your benefit.

This is the very center from where everything about your being exists. This energy, which some people refer to as a life force, flows within your body, including in your organs and your body tissue.

It’s supposed to flow unimpeded and it does when the mind-body balance is in the right harmony where it should be. However, when something happens to throw this life energy out of its natural flow, your body in turn reacts with illness.

You might start to experience fatigue, headaches, nausea and even depression. You might not even realize that the reason you feel so bad and so run down is because your life energy is not flowing correctly.

But more often than not, the first reaction that your body will throw off will be a rise in your stress hormones when this energy is disrupted long before you experience physical issues.

When you feel stressed, this is always an early warning signal that the mind-body balance needs to be checked. When you’re stressed, your body will react negatively and you’ll create negative thoughts and emotions, which create negative energy.

This negative energy is the cause of the disruption and it’s why the stress continues on a never-ending cycle until you deal with it. It’s why treating the symptoms with what you’ve been doing doesn’t take away stress for good.

The stress has to be rooted out. When you learn the technique of Reiki, you can practice it to restore the natural balance that your body needs. This will restore your emotional balance and give you stress relief.

Because Reiki gives you back your correct life energy balance, you’ll start to experience a sense of well-being and peace after you use it. Restoration and healing is the key to stress relief and it’s what Reiki is known for.

Of course, you can’t just decide that you want to do Reiki one moment and then the next, you’ve mastered it. There are some concepts and some things you have to learn first.

For example, when you’re performing Reiki for your self, you’ll need to know which hand positions to use and when. Then if you’re going to help someone else, you’ll need to know what’s involved with the hand positions to aid them as well.

There’s also a technique called “Remote Reiki” that’s part of the healing process. All of these hand positions can’t be learned without some training. You want to make sure that you master these since they’re an integral part of how Reiki is used to give you or anyone else you want to help, stress relief.

What Are the Reiki Hand Positions for Stress Relief?

Though Reiki is not a religion, some people choose to start their self-treatment off with a prayer. Others will instead start with an affirmation. The purpose in beginning the self-treatment with the hands this way is because it creates an openness within you.

This openness allows healing from stress relief to flow throughout your body to the areas where it’s needed. It’s always best to have a program that will guide you through each of these hand positions until you know them well enough to use them on your own.

You want to make sure that you guide the healing energy the correct way. If you want a training guide or some help with the hand positions, then you’ll want to look into getting the Pure Reiki Healing Master so that you can be taught step by step exactly what to do.

Each of the hand positions that you’ll use correlate to a need that’s in a specific area of the body. For example, when you use your hands at the throat position, this directs the flow of energy to the mouth, jaw and throat.

Other hand positions will direct energy to other parts of the body. One thing you need to keep in mind during your session is that you have to keep your fingers together during the positions.

The reason for this is because it channels the direction of the energy. First, you’ll want to get into a comfortable position. Some people will lie down but many prefer to sit in a chair with legs balanced and the feet on the floor.

Place the left hand diagonally across the upper body. Your elbow should be pointing downward to the floor while your hand rests across your chest over the heart area.

With the palm flat and fingers together, the fingertips of this hand should be touching your other arm. Your right arm should be up, elbow pointing to the floor while the hand is gently clasped around the throat with the fingers together.

What this position does is to direct the healing energy toward the lungs, the thyroid, the heart and other organs. Remember that when you’re experiencing stress, your body’s organs are feeling the fallout from this stress due to the rise in the hormones.

In the next healing hand position, the arms are raised with the hands behind the head. During many of these positions, affirmations are said throughout. Some people choose to use affirmations for the duration of the Reiki session while others do not.

In another hand position, you’ll sit in a chair without your shoes on. Your feet should rest comfortably against the floor. It’s important to note that during a Reiki session, you should not block the flow of energy.

This flow can be blocked if you cross your legs or if you fold your arms across each other. In this position, with your eyes closed, keep your hands extended outward so that they reach just past your knees.

While you’re doing each of these positions, you don’t want to waver from keeping your fingers together. You want them relaxed, but not curved. This is because you’re using your hands to act as a conduit to direct the Reiki.

When your fingers are open and spread out, the Reiki is not focused. When you’re looking for stress relief, you need that Reiki to focus on flowing throughout your body unimpeded.

Though some of the hand positions were mentioned, there are many more so that all of them couldn’t possibly be named at once. Plus, you’ll need to know specifically what each hand position is needed to guide the energy toward whatever you feel stressed about. This is the reason why you want to find some sort of mentorship guide that can assist you.

Relief from Workplace Stress Using Reiki

Studies have shown that every year, nearly half a million people experience mild to moderate work related stress due to their jobs. This work related stress, like all stress, leads to health problems.

Those who experience it report feeling anxious or depressed and often when checked, their blood pressure is staying higher than normal. Unlike the kind of stress that you might experience at home or in a relationship, this type of stress can carry a financial bite to it.

To avoid the stress, employees will often call out of work for their shift – sometimes at the last minute because they dread the thought of going to work. If you have knots in your stomach at the thought of going to your job, that’s a good sign you’re experiencing work related stress.

When employees call out, this results in lost wages. If they do show up for work, they often have trouble doing their job because it can be hard to concentrate when you’re feeling stressed.

Employers lose money when it comes to work related stress through reduced productivity and the costs incurred if they pay their employees for sick days. To find relief and combat the effects of this work related stress, you can use the techniques that you’ll learn in Reiki and they’re simple enough that you can use them while you’re at work.

Some employers gladly give employees the break that they need to seek stress relief. If you were at home, it would normally take you anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour to complete your Reiki session.

However, a session can be limited to half that time or even less so that it’s suitable for the work environment. Practicing Reiki while you’re on the job has the same effect on your body as it does at home. You’ll experience lowered blood pressure, a better heart rate, even breathing and a deep sense of calmness.

You’ll learn ways that you can bring the relief of the Reiki you experience at home to the workplace once you learn the steps as outlined in Pure Reiki Healing Master.

5 Other Benefits of Using Reiki

When you use Reiki for the purpose of finding relief from stress, you might think that’s all you’re getting, but Reiki gives you a great deal of other benefits. First, by practicing Reiki, you’ll notice an improvement in your immune system.

When your energy flow is the way that it should be and isn’t blocked, your body is able to respond to illnesses the way that it’s supposed to. Research shows that stress itself impacts your immune system, so you’re combating that process.

Secondly, learning Reiki gives the user a strong inner growth. Not only will you feel calmer and less stressed, but you’ll discover that you’re able to look at things from a different perspective.

Many times, this inner growth will allow you to be free of the negative emotions caused by some past hurt. If you can’t let go of things that attack your mind on a constant basis, you can’t move forward and enjoy the life you were meant to live.

Third, when you start using Reiki on a regular basis, you’ll start to notice that both your memory and your concentration have improved. This is also a reason that employers like their employees to practice this technique.

Fourth, you’ll receive relief from pain. Whether or not this body pain is caused from physical ailment or is directly related to the stress is one of the reasons why it’s such a popular practice.

Finally, when you have regular Reiki sessions, the healing energies can aid you in recuperating from both physical and emotional wounds. If you leave either unaided, they can fester and turn into something much more sinister over time.


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