How to Create Vegetable Juice Recipes

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silviarita / Pixabay

It is tough to find ways to eat the recommended daily amount of vegetables in one day, let alone every day.  Juicing makes this possible and even enjoyable.  Juicing makes the nutrients in vegetables and fruits readily absorbable because the juicing process breaks down the walls of the cells containing those nutrients.  Your body uses much less energy when digesting vegetable and fruit juice since there is less plant matter to break down, so the entire process is more efficient, allowing more total nutrients to be absorbed by your body.  This more efficient process typically takes only about 20 minutes from the time of ingestion.

Juicing makes consuming the appropriate amount of greens per day, an easy task.  However, since these green vegetables are the most mineralizing and alkalizing foods, they are not typically the most flavorful.  The key to this issue is to mix in a good amount of tastier fruits and vegetables to improve the flavor.  Fruits and vegetables that are good for combining in this nature are carrots and apples.  These are just two examples of “flavor-improving” additions. 

It is important to remember that the sky is the limit when it comes to creating tasty and healthful combinations and that your personal preference plays a big role.  You may really enjoy spinach combined with apples and strawberries, but your friend may prefer broccoli to spinach in that combination.  Also, the number of ingredients does not need to remain below 3 items.  Feel free to add 4, 5, 6 or even more ingredients when creating juices, just be careful to remember what you used so you can keep a mental note as to which ingredients helped and hindered the flavor.

As you’ve read so far, juicing has a lot of great benefits with no downside at all; you can be creative in your recipe creation, healthy in your food selection and prolong your life in the process.  There are, however, some things to keep in mind.  It is important to thoroughly wash all of the produce that you will end up juicing.  It is recommended to purchase fruits and vegetables from a local, organic vendor such as a farmers market or roadside stand.  Most fruits and vegetables will not require any further preparation other than the removal of stickers, pits and larger seeds.  Oranges and grapefruits should have their rinds removed while melons do not need their rind removed. 

It is advised to research how best to prepare all fruits and vegetables before including new ingredients in a recipe.  Another great tip is to juice the softer fruits and vegetables first; follow this by juicing the harder and tougher fruits and vegetables.  The harder ones like carrots will help push the softer ones through and ensure you get the most potential juice from your fruits and vegetables.

Juicing takes minutes to complete, but the health benefits last a lifetime.  With very little preparation or clean-up, it will be a seamless addition to your daily routine – juicing does not have to be a major time consumer.

Nothing else compares to the energy and refreshment provided by a glass of home-made juice.  Drinking just one glass per day can change your outlook on your day and provide the nutrition and health benefits to greatly alter the course of your life for the better.


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